Sunday, September 20, 2009

Glacier National Park

I got a new camera this spring. It is an SLR and the learning curve for using it is funny. I start a trip fumbling and muttering not sure what to do to get the photo right. Then sometime about 2 hours after the start of the fumbling and muttering things start to get captured correctly.
Here is (obviously) water coming off rocks. It’s too bad that the lens couldn’t get me closer. I would have loved to catch each individual drop.
The hope from taking all these photos is that somewhere I’ll start getting lucky and have some worthy of hanging in my home. REALLY BIG I’m getting closer. I figured out after the last trip that I have to shoot in RAW images in order to get my computer to help me compensate for my lack of experience.
This is such a nice shot. I took it on Road to the Sun. Or maybe it is Hiway to the Sun. Or Highway to the Heavens or… something. At any rate, the drive was slowed by road construction. I think it was this same peak that a little earlier had half of it shadowed by clouds and the other half brightly lit.
Hopefully, life will slow down enough for me in a few more weeks and I will have more time to do some contemplation. Post more pictures. Ask a few questions that can’t be answered…

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